5 Bob Ross Mantras That Link Creativity & Gratitude
I can’t think of anything more rewarding than being able to express yourself to others through painting. Exercising the imagination, experimenting with talents, being creative; these things, to me, are truly the windows to your soul. – Bob Ross
Magic happens in our studios: Not the abracadabra type…But the “Aha!” type. My favorite moments happen when our self-described – I’m not an artist, I haven’t painted since kindergarten or I can’t draw a stick figure – guests find their flow and get lost in the art of creative acts. These are the moments I am most grateful we have studios and an incredible team of artists that are conduits for this magic to happen.
Art and gratitude go hand in hand. Pausing to create ushers in gratitude in the present moment. When focus shifts from a product to the experience of the process, that is the true act of creativity. We shift from getting a future product to allowing the present moment to be our guide.
Studies have proven a link exists between creative problem solving and gratitude. This is why Bob Ross (the father of step-by-step instruction and overall painting guru) mantras are timeless and truly honor the link between creativity and gratitude:
- When you’re painting you have the artist’s license that says you can do anything. The power of trying and letting go of what you think it needs to be or look like or become – this is the magic. Following your own inner license frees us of comparisons and invites us to be grateful for what we bring to the table.
- In your world, you can do anything you want. Bob Ross painted worlds that pulled viewers not only in but prompted millions to pick up a paint brush to paint their own worlds. His advice was to follow what makes you happy!
- Talent is a pursued interest. In other words anything that you’re willing to practice you can do. Creativity and gratitude muscles increase with practice. These are not innate talents that are only gifted to those born with them… no, they are refined with practice, attention, intention, trial and error. As Lynne Twist says “What you appreciate, appreciates.
- If you don’t think every day is a good day, try missing a few, You’ll see. The overall message is appreciating every day. This doesn’t mean that there will not be setbacks. Creative acts are filled with setbacks (as is life). However, what you do with these moments holds the most power. We often see guests want to give up because their painting doesn’t meet their expectations… if they can appreciate what they are creating in the moment, their perspective shifts and…
- “We don’t make mistakes – we just have happy accidents.” The ultimate Rossism! It is all how we look at each moment, is it really a mistake or a fortunate turn that allows us to shift our path. The HeartMath institute ascertains, “The greater your capacity for sincere appreciation, the deeper the connection to your heart, where intuition and unlimited inspiration and possibilities reside.”
Our intention at The Paint Mixer is to provide an inspired, safe and fun studio for novice to experienced artists to create a bit of Aha! magic on their canvas. But most of all, we are here to support and nourish creativity and celebrate happy accidents. From our team to your family, happy Thanksgiving and we are excited to host you at our tables in the seasons to come and remember…
This is your world
You’re the creator
Find freedom on this canvas {in this life}
Believe, that you can do it,
‘Cuz you can do it.
You can do it.
-Bob Ross {and us}
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